Top Strategies and Practice Questions to Pass the Google Analytics Exam

Explanation: Dimensions describe attributes of your data, such as Page Title or Source/Medium, while Sessions are metrics.

  1. Implementation and Data Collection

Q3: What is the purpose of setting up Google 

Google Analytics Practice Questions Analytics tracking code on a website?

  1. A) To enhance website design
    B) To collect data on user interactions
    C) To optimize server performance
    D) To manage user permissions

Answer: B) To collect data on user interactions

Q4: Which tag management system is commonly used with Google Analytics for easier management of tracking codes?

  1. A) Google Tag Manager
    B) Google Data Studio
    C) Google Search Console
    D) Google Optimize

Answer: A) Google Tag Manager

Explanation: Google Tag Manager helps streamline the implementation of various tracking codes and tags on your website.

  1. Configuration and Administration

Q5: How can you exclude internal traffic from your Google Analytics reports?

  1. A) By creating a new Google Analytics account
    B) By using filters to exclude traffic based on IP address
    C) By changing the website's design
    D) By adjusting the tracking code settings

Answer: B) By using filters to exclude traffic based on IP address

Q6: What is a Google Analytics "View"?

  1. A) A visual representation of data in reports
    B) A segment of your website’s data configured for specific reporting needs
    C) An administrative tool for managing user permissions
    D) A type of data collection method

Posted in Default Category on August 15 2024 at 03:22 PM

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