What Is A Land Rig Installation Simulator

The land rig installation simulation training system is a simulation training system with advanced technology and complete functions in the current industry. It can meet the training needs of oil companies and training institutions.

The simulation system is a training product developed based on computer simulation technology by combining petroleum engineering technology with computer technology and virtual reality technology. It simulates the drilling process of the land drilling rig realistically with reference to the actual operation process of the drilling operation site. The training objects are mainly technical skills training for new employees, drilling rig installers, drillers and assistant drillers, drilling team technicians, drilling team leaders, and other drilling site operators.

land rig installation simulation training system

Compared with the traditional training method, it enhances the sense of participation and immersion in the training, effectively improves the training effect, and reduces the training cost. The system can train trainees, including the whole process of land drilling rig installation and safety precautions, the lifting and lowering process of land drilling rig derrick base, drilling rig tripping, and drilling operations, and top drive operations.

The Composition of the Land Drilling Rig Installation Simulation Training System

The Training System Mainly Consists of 5 Components:

The animation display module of the whole process of rig installation

Derrick/base lifting and lowering training module

Rig Virtual Assembly Module

Drilling rig simulation operation module

Electronic Atlas

The simulation system adopts high-definition animation to clearly show the whole land drilling rig installation process, and the displayed process is completely consistent with the actual land drilling rig installation process steps. The purpose is to standardize the entire installation process, making the land rig installation process more standard, regulated, and safe.

The simulation system utilizes a large number of mathematical and physical models to simulate and display various parameter changes in engineering operations, such as pressure, torque, drilling speed, and more, by accurately reflecting the relationship between these physical parameters to achieve the same performance as the actual drilling rig.

The land rig installation simulator adopts virtual reality technology and computer simulation technology to construct a realistic perception environment. The three-dimensional animation synchronized with the operating conditions is used to display the scene on a three-channel ring screen or three-channel LCD, combined with high-simulation on-site sound effects, giving people an immersive experience.

Components of a Training System for Land Rig Installation Simulator

Driller’s console

Top drive console

Graphic system

Supporting software

Land Rig Installation Simulator

Advantages of a Land Rig Installation Simulation Training System

1. The parameter display, layout, and even operation mode of various equipment panels in the system are completely consistent with the actual products. And the height of each operation console and the real equipment on the drilling site is also the same.

2. The relevant hardware equipment is composed of industrial-grade PLC to ensure the reliability of the equipment to the greatest extent possible.

3. The system’s input cost and maintenance cost is relatively low.

4. The system has no security risk.

Posted in Default Category on February 27 2023 at 01:10 PM

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